Bio-One of Flagstaff decontamination and biohazard cleaning services

How Do We Do It? Maintaining Good Mental Health

How Do We Do It?
Maintaining Good Mental Health



Owning a crime and trauma scene cleaning business, the question we are asked the most is, "How do you handle what you see?" We completely understand why this is the most common question we are asked. We do see and deal with a lot of things that are unimaginable for most. But for us, it is every day life.


There are a few things we believe and do to help with our mental health. Once the ambulance sirens are silenced and the police lights are off and everything is starting to sink in for the family members, that is when we arrive. Our job is to remove the picture of the death scene so that the family can remember their loved one as they were when they lived, and not in the moment they were found. Knowing that we can help the family in this way and also being able to get them information for funeral services, grief councilors and other resources helps us to know we are making a difference. We might see some things that are difficult, but we are helping people when they need it the most. This mindset helps our mental state be positive. But, there are other things we do once we leave a scene to help with good mental health as well. Our team members take Mental Health First Aid to help them identify and be able to help people in crisis. This is not only beneficial when talking with clients but also when around fellow colleagues. It has helped set the stage for a healthy environment to debrief about what we have seen and work through it. The thing that helps me the most with my mental health, is being involved with the community. We teach our staff that our "help first" attitude is not just about helping on peoples worst days, but also on their best days. We get to laugh, have fun, raise money for charity and see helping in a different way. On average we volunteer and sponsor 1 or 2 events a month and our staff always comes and helps out with us. It is always a positive experience and a lot of fun.  


Everyone has a different way to promote good mental health in their own life. For some people it is exercising or reading a book, it can be so many different things. The best thing to remember is that whatever it is you do to help with your mental health, stick with it. Our mental health is so important and shouldn't be taken lightly. For ways to help maintain good mental health please visit the links below.